Bandsetlist – Home
"Created by musicians for musicians"
With decades of experience we designed “band setlist manager” to deliver exactly what we as a musicians need to support our rehearsals and live performances.
Song library
Manage your song library. Songs are organized into tracks for lyrics, chords, guitar and bass tabs.
Organize setlists
Organize your songs in setlists for rehearsals or live performances. Group songs in sections displaying the duration of each section.
Recordable autoscroll
Control the speed of the autoscroll feature or record your prefered scrolling with different speeds and pause intervals.
Collaborate with band members
Work simultaneous and realtime with your fellow bandmembers on songs and setlists. Share ideas and notes.
Multiple bands
Manage songs and setlists of multiple bands. Create new bands and invite band members to join.
Band connect
Link up your devices during rehearsals and live performances. Keeps the setlist synchronized so everone is on the same page.
Whether you play in a single band or several bands simultaneously: being in a band is one thing, organizing songs, chords and setlists is another. Enter BAND SETLIST MANAGER: Hassle-free management for your songs, from chords and tabs to lyrics and setlists. Full band support with zero limits. Created for musicians by musicians.
Synchronizing songs and setlists with all band members can be a hassle: jotting notes on papers during rehearsals and then losing those defining notes on the way home. Changing song keys to better suit a singer’s voice or instrument’s range, but putting of transposing song chords…
Band setlist manager does all that and more. It includes:
- BandManager brings together any band you play with, to synch songs and playlists and rehearse and perform together.
- SongManager helps you collect and update songs: lyrics, guitar (and ukelele) chords.
- ListManager is your go-to place to create and manage as many playlists as you need, for any band you play in.
- Rehearsal Mode: Use and control autoscroll through songs as you rehearse, using your screen or footpedal.
- Stage Mode: Connect with your bandmates’ devices, for on-screen prompting of the current song and the next one, including chords or lyrics (as you please).
BandManager: a band of bands
Start a band or join one, and synch the heck out of it. You can set up as many bands as you like, from your steady crew to one-off combos. All you need is band members on Band setlist manager. And a bunch of songs to play, of course.
It’s as easy as that, just dive in and get started.
SongManager: one storage of all your hit songs
As time goes by, you’ll likely add more and more songs to your band’s repertoire. SongManager helps you manage your song collection: One single repository of songs, complete with lyrics, chord progressions and tabs.
Each song offers room for lyrics, guitar and bass, with the easy auto-transpose feature to better suit a singer’s voice or instrument’s range. Songs are stored in the ChordPro format, for easy editing and exchange. Use Chordie Search to look up familiar tunes online.
ListManager: plan you rehearsals and live performances
Got a gig? Got a hefty rehearsal schedule? Set up unlimited listst with ListManager and hit it! ListManager creates setlists for any occasion. Add songs, shuffle songs around and synch by hitting Save. Check the setlist play time to see if it fits your timeslot. From now on, even your singer will know what song is next…
Rehearsal: practice at home or together
Dive into a song at home of at band practice, using your fingers or wireless pedal to scroll. Or let [Band setlist manager] do your scrolling, with user-controlled AutoScroll: put your foot down to pause and release AutoScroll. Use Stage Mode’s in any of three instances: Monitor, List or Telepromper. Practice till it sticks, and then enter BandConnect.
BandConnect: Stage Mode for any occasion
You got the songs down, time to play live. Get on stage, load your setlist and fire up Stage Mode. Tap BandConnect and low and behold, your designated bandleader will guide the band through the songs in the right order. All screens synched at the touch of a button.
Each band member gets the view required. Just the title of the current song and the next one, a set list (just not jotted on a piece of paper stuck somewhere with gaffer tape) or Teleprompter view (the cheatsheet-just-in-case).
No more lose papers in my gig bag. Our band is always reading from the same page. ”

Perfect for storing my songs, sniplets and ideas. Never gig without it."

I have been looking for an app like this for years. Easy to use on stage and rehearsals.”